
Academic JALSA 2024 Paper Abstract Submission

General Guidelines

  • Abstracts are to be submitted online only. No abstracts shall be accepted as a email, Fax, Hard copies etc.
  • Each member can submit a total of 3 abstracts (as presenting author)
  • All abstracts undergo an evaluation process. Based on the evaluation, a member can present a MAXIMUM OF 2 FREE PAPERS.
  • A free paper can have one presenting author and upto 3 co-authors. ( 4 authors in total )
    • One of the above 4 authors can be the presenting author of the free paper.
    • At least one of the 4 authors should be a ratified member of VOS
  • The presenting author (which can be any of the 4 authors) MUST BE A RATIFIED MEMBER OF VOS to contest for an award.
    • If presenting author is not a ratified member, the paper can be presented by the member BUT will not be considered for evaluation of any VOS award.
    • He / she has to register for the conference
  • The submitted paper should not have been published in indexed journal/submitted for publication in indexed journal.
    • If any ambiguity found anytime; This would amount to plagiarism and the presenter and all the co authors will be debarred for submitting to VOS for next 3 years.
  • Free Paper duration is 5 minutes only.
  • No change in presenting author is allowed during Free paper final session.
  • Institution / hospital affiliation and doctor’s name in the title or abstract should not be mentioned and will lead to automatic rejection.
  • Single case report will not be considered for Free paper.


Abstract specific Guidelines

Abstract Title
The title of the abstract SHOULD NOT exceed 100 characters (including spaces).

Abstract Body
The abstract body SHOULD NOT exceed 1000 characters (including spaces).

  • Study design
  • Purpose
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Clinical Implication

Submission Of Abstract:

(Last Date for Receiving Abstracts – 5th September – 2024)